Challenges with open Learning? Where to connect this Cable? During Topic 2 we have discussed the concept of open learning, opportunities and barriers with open Learning.
It is amazing how many different meanings of open learning there is, and it seems to change over time. A couple of weeks back I believed open learning was about MOOC's, and MOOC's only. But it is so much more in it. I have changed my understanding of what is open learning, from thinking of MOOC's I now consider many different things where you can carry out a course using many different Tools. Today we used Mentimeter for creating word clouds which will be used for sharing the result of our topic 2-work.
I believe there can be different grades of open learning where the most important factors are Anywhere, Anytime, Free of charge and available on the www. The picture can represent one challenge, maybe to know how to use the different technical tools and to get connected.
In a couple of weeks I will have my first lecture after about 15 years, something I look forward to! However, I will also be going outside my comfort zone! But it is good to do that. I think that everyone frequently should do something that push the boarder of their comfort zone.
My first lecture will be in a leadership course with our master mariner students and the subject will be equal treatment and what the officer onboard can do for equal treatment and to reduce the risk of harassment. My plan is to have a Zoom-lecture which I will combine with breakout sessions using padlet. I will tell you about it later.
Now we will have a Easter vacation at the ONL-course, or actually, it is a reflection week. So during Easter I will do some reflecting on the ONL-course.
So for the time being, Happy Easter to all of you!
It is all about taking those small but significant steps. If you make a good Zoom recording that can be of value to others you can share it with a CC license on LnuPLay (just choose the license when you upload the film). We need to showcase more of our knowledge publicly on LnuPlay :-)
SvaraRaderaHi Ted,
SvaraRaderaI hope you enjoyed your first lecture, and the feeling of connection with the students after a long break as well as Easter break.
What drew my attention most about your post is the picture and the corresponding question; "Where to connect this cable?". This reminded me of the session, where you, as a group, tried to discuss and decide on your channel, the tool, in order to connect your source, keywords. In the end, you have found it, Mentimeter, so the cable of Topic 2 is plugged for now =)
Best wishes,
Thanks for your feedback! I have connected a few Cables, but there are more to connect of all these Cables, which I look forward to :-)